Kraken Login | Recover a Kraken Account Without Losing Funds

For cryptocurrency traders and investors, having a secure and reliable exchange platform is essential. Kraken, a well-known cryptocurrency exchange, offers a wide range of features and services. However, if you find yourself unable to access your Kraken account due to forgotten login credentials, there are steps you can take to recover your account without losing your funds. In this article, we will guide you through the process of recovering your Kraken account while ensuring the safety of your funds.

Step 1: Accessing the Kraken Login Page

To initiate the account recovery process, you need to visit the Kraken login page. Open your preferred web browser and search for "Kraken login" or directly enter "" in the address bar. Once you reach the Kraken website, locate the "Login" button and click on it to proceed.

Step 2: Click on "Forgot Your Username or Password?"

On the Kraken login page, you will find a link that says "Forgot Your Username or Password?" Click on this link to start the account recovery process. You will be redirected to the account recovery page.

Step 3: Select the Recovery Method

On the account recovery page, you will be presented with two options: "Email" or "Master Key". Choose the appropriate recovery method based on the information you have access to. If you have access to the email address associated with your Kraken account, select the "Email" option.

Step 4: Provide the Required Information

If you selected the "Email" option, you will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your Kraken account. Make sure to provide the correct email address as this is where Kraken will send further instructions regarding your account recovery.

Step 5: Check your Email for Recovery Instructions

After submitting your email address, check your inbox for an email from Kraken. This email will contain instructions on how to reset your password and regain access to your account. Follow the instructions provided in the email carefully.

Step 6: Reset your Password

Once you have received the recovery email, open it and look for the password reset instructions. Click on the password reset link provided in the email. This will redirect you to a page where you can enter a new password for your Kraken account. Choose a strong and unique password that you haven't used before. Confirm the new password and save the changes.

Step 7: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

After successfully resetting your password, it is highly recommended to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an added layer of security. Two-factor authentication requires you to provide a second verification code, usually generated by a mobile app, in addition to your password when logging in. This helps protect your account from unauthorized access.

Step 8: Contact Kraken Support (If Necessary)

If you are still unable to recover your account after following the above steps, it is advisable to contact Kraken support directly. They have a dedicated customer support team that can assist you in resolving any account-related issues. Provide them with all the necessary details and information to expedite the account recovery process.

Tips to Avoid Future Account Access Issues

1. Use a Password Manager

Consider using a password manager to securely store your login credentials. This will help you avoid forgetting passwords and ensure that you have strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts.

2. Keep your Recovery Email Updated

Make sure that the email address associated with your Kraken account is up to date. This will ensure that you receive important notifications and recovery instructions if you ever encounter issues with your account.

3. Store Your Master Key Securely

If you selected the "Master Key" recovery method, it is crucial to store your master key securely. The master key is essential for recovering your account in case you forget your password or lose access to your email address.


Recovering a Kraken account without losing funds is possible if you follow the correct procedures and take necessary precautions. By accessing the Kraken login page, selecting the appropriate recovery method, and following the provided instructions, you can regain access to your account and continue trading with peace of mind. Remember to enable two-factor authentication, use a password managerfor secure password management, and keep your recovery email updated to avoid future account access issues. If you encounter any difficulties during the account recovery process, don't hesitate to reach out to Kraken support for assistance. With these steps and tips in mind, you can ensure the safety and security of your Kraken account while continuing to engage in cryptocurrency trading and investment.